Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sports Viewing and Some Programming Notes

Hello again.  It's been two weeks or so.  How the hell are ya?

We are two weeks into the new NFL season and three weeks into the college football season.  I think by now I can make a pretty good assessment about how my viewership of almighty sports has changed since I've moved to the West Coast.  Let's be honest: other than a ton of HBO programming, sports is pretty much the weapon of choice when it comes to watching TV.  Planning my day around sports is essential.  Adjusting to the 3-hour time difference appeared to be a bit of a pickle.  Mainly because it was different -- we all know that I don't like change.  Which doesn't really explain my move across the country, but that's not relevant to this discussion.

As an East Coast guy, East Coast time was always the "gold standard".  Every TV listing puts Eastern Standard Time first.  EVERYTHING IS BASED ON EST.  So I figured that the switch to PST wouldn't really float my boat.  Let me tell you, it floats.  It floats like a pool noodle.

Saturday football starts at 9am.  Sunday football starts at 10am.  Pretty early you say.  I don't disagree.  But think about how much of the day you save by watching early.  Noon games are over by noon, and 3:30 games are over by 3:30.  The whole day is still ahead of you.  Which is great because say we would like to do something constructive over the weekend, we actually have the time.  Party going on that night?  No problem, see ya there!  It's nice to have those options.  Especially because Janae doesn't really care for football.  Look, it's not like we never went out on a football weekend when I was living back East, but generally speaking the days revolved around 10 hours of pigskin shenanigans.  Now there is some built-in schedule flexibility.  And I don't even have to try!

Another added benefit:  No hangover the next day.  Mainly because you have been drinking since 10am and so your hangover hits you before you even go to sleep.  The automatic lone drawback is that if you wish to be competent and coherent for the rest of the day, you eventually have to stop drinking.  By rule, the hangover will hit you several hours later - in this case usually between 6 and 8pm.  But still, it's easier to deal with that rather than wake up on a Monday and deal with it before work.  At 8pm you still have plenty of time to hydrate before laying your weary head to rest.  Pounding bevvies until 11:30pm at Caddie's always made for a groggy Monday.  But I didn't care about my job there so I couldn't have cared less.  I don't have to worry about underperforming at work here.  I'm fresh as a daisy on Mondays!

The best aspect of football viewing - well any sport for that matter - is that the night games are on right when I get home from work.  It's still sunny out when the games end (at least during this time of year).  It's pretty great.  You don't have to stay up late to catch the end.  Plus, the games are over in time to catch your favorite prime time programming - or at least still leaves you time for some OnDemand.  I love it.  It will be interesting come basketball and hockey season.  Those weeknight games usually start around 7pm so the West Coast is still at work when those start.  So I will miss at least some of those games, at least the beginning.  Too bad, but at I'd say I've adapted.  It's a favorable schedule, especially for someone who loves sleep.  I think I'll be going strong all season.  I'm a well-rested, alcohol-fueled, oft-frustrated sports fan.  Time change can't bring me down!

Totally unrelated:  I'm really glad that True Blood is finally over.  I think most shows wait a season or two too long before they go off the air.  True Blood went at least three seasons too long, maybe more.  The problem was I felt invested in it so I kept watching it.  It was nothing more than premium cable wanna-be porno dreck.  The story faltered and the actors just seemed to be on cruise control after a while.  Boardwalk Empire, which has been GREAT, is ending after five seasons.  As much as I would love it to continue, it's better to go out on top then to fade into oblivion I always say.  Not a sermon, just a thought.

Anyway, sorry I don't have any interesting food or beer side stories this week.  I've just been falling down on the job.  In other words, I've been eating Chipotle and Sierra Nevada.  Like everyone else in America.  Nats and O's World Series here we come!

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