Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Labor Day Weekend

Hello there!  I trust everyone is refreshed from their awesome 3-day weekend.  It's obviously not long enough.  It never is.  But the glass is half full!  We only have a 4-day week.

The end of summer here has been phenomenal.  The weather has been pretty perfect.  Knowing that the sunny skies won't last does compel you to carpe each diem.  Well, mostly.  When you are trying to binge watch The Wire, glorious weather is no road block.

This holiday weekend was good.  It wasn't jam-packed, but we had a nice, leisurely time experiencing things.  Saturday was kind of a crappy day so we mainly stuck to the television.  Also, my ankle was killing me from trying to exercise.  Seriously, I look at athletes and I wonder how the shit they can play a full game.  Anyway, we tried to go out to dinner but as you may have guessed everyone had the same idea.  So Chipotle and more On-Demand is always a solid No. 2 option.

Sunday was cool though.  We went downtown and walked around a bit.  We spent an hour in a toy store so Janae could buy gifts for children.  I naturally occupied myself the entire time with the toys on display.  I finally got around to eating at the "main" food cart pod downtown.  It did not disappoint (see sidebar).  Then we ended up going to witness this natural phenomenon known as Vaux's Swifts.  It's not some weird French indie band.  It's this group of birds native to Alaska or maybe the Pacific Northwest in general (I didn't actually do any research) that post up inside an elementary school chimney in NW Portland.  You may have seen me post some pictures over the weekend.  It's bizarre.  Thousands of these birds appear out of nowhere and funnel into this chimney only to leave around 6am the next morning.  This happens every night of September.  And it's been happening for decades.  They come back to the same chimney every time.  They take about a half hour and circle the chimney before they dive bomb it.  It looks like the Reaping.  It was cool to see because when I was told about it I said "What?  This sounds bonkers."  But it's not.  It actually happens.

Anyway, it's something you don't see everyday.  I'm always down for something like that.  Monday we decided to do a bit of day drinking since it was so nice out.  An awesome bar named Apex has huge outdoor tables to sit at and drink $5 craft beers.  They also have a house cat named Waffles (not really - it just belongs to a neighboring house and shows up all the time.  But they leave water out for it).  

I should point out that on Thursday I went to Killer Burger, a famous local spot, on Thursday night.  I had the Peanut Butter-Pickle-Bacon.  It has a peanut butter spread mixed with the Killer sauce.  Super good.  A little bit too much peanut butter sauce, but still it was awesome.  Portland does burgers right.  Like completely, utterly, tantilizingly, wonderfully, deliciously right.  Plus, the tip jar at Killer Burger says "Please leave us tips so we can get drunk and naked after work."  You've earned a return customer just for that.

Join me next time when I discuss West Coast sports viewing in depth.  As football season is upon us, I will relay my completely unnatural watching experience with you.  I think it's gonna be a really interesting post.  Go Terps!  Skins!  Ducks!  Boo everyone else!

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