Sunday, July 20, 2014

Work Environments: A Comparison

Hey all!

I know it's been awhile, but I was immersing myself in the new job.  Ya know, professional responsibility and all that jazz.  I wanted to make sure I understood what was happening, get to know the ropes.  Anyway, it's been a wild ride after only seven full days of work.  A completely new industry, new databases, new people, new role.  My mind has been bogged down with information.  My brain has hurt a few times after the work day.  I had to nap on Friday.  It had been my first five-day work week in nearly two months.  The body was not prepared to endure 40 hours once again.

But after seven working days, I have been able to determine the differences between my current position and my previous position in Bethesda.  The difference is so stark, it slaps you in the face.  How?  I'm so glad you asked.

Bosses:  Of course, I technically have more than one boss.  Most people do.  But the difference between this current position and my last position is that instead of working for and listening to six different figureheads with six different needs I essentially only listen to one person.  It's pretty great.  It's streamlined.  The best part?  She doesn't micromanage.  She allows employees to work at their own pace and in their own way.  I had been used to anal retention and decision-parsing.  I work much better and happier this way.  Phe-nomenal.

Coworkers: Okay, so I like my coworkers back east as much as I like the ones here.  I'm just glad that these people are also great to work with.  You never truly know until you begin working at a place.  Everyone has such a positive attitude and loves answering questions.  At least they seem to love answering questions since I have a lot.  It's a pleasure to interact with these people everyday, and not feel pressured to complete a task by a certain deadline.  We can speak to each other and have conversations and not feel like it's an act of betrayal to the "company".

Environment:  This is the number one stunnaaaaaah.  The environment is completely different.  There is no unneeded stress.  There is camaraderie.  Bosses get along with staff.  Staff gets along with each other.  Everyone goes with the flow.  Higher ups are open to ideas to help increase efficiency and work processes.  Best of all there is no tax season.  NONE.  There is going to be busy times, but no one seems to let it get to them.  I've said that it seems like none of them are ever going to get mad at me.  I have no way of knowing if that's true.  Logic would tell you it probably isn't.  But it's nice to feel that way each and everyday.  Also, in case you missed it on Facebook earlier this week, I can see mountains from outside my building.  Like the physical environment is so much better than other white collar jobs.  Looking at beautiful scenery every day
during the summer doesn't hurt.

There you have it.  Those three major job components contribute to a great place to work.  The last thing I would like to mention is that I actually feel like the work I'm doing means something.  That might be more important than anything else.  I feel like I'm actually helping people.  I have a title and pretty soon I'll have my name on the door.  Where am I?  When did this happen?  It's good to do work that's rewarding.  I like feeling that way.  Dealing with other peoples' money never cultivated such a feeling.  Look, it's still work.  I'm not going to sit here and say I looooooooooooooooooove working each and every week.  I would prefer something lazier.  Most people would.  It is noteworthy to recognize how much better you feel doing the job you have though.  That's the important thing.

Anyway, I wish I had more to say about actually living in Portland, but I am just so glad to be receiving an income that I haven't really done much.  We did hit the coast this weekend and saw where they filmed Goonies.  That was cool.  About a two-hour drive.  The beaches here aren't quite the same as back east.  There isn't much swimming since the water is ass cold.  There isn't a boardwalk.  See I prefer those things since that's what I grew up with.  I won't complain.  I have access to sand and relaxation.  That'll do.  When I make a trip to a different beach, I'll be sure to share.  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Do what (or who) you love!

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