Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Employed in Portland!

Hi all!

As I sit in front of a fan half-naked because it's hot, I am pleased to inform you that I have found employment after 40 days!  Right in the nick of time too.  See what happens is, if you don't work you run out of money. It's an inconvenient truth that I have learned during my extended vacation.  While it has been great watching nearly every World Cup game and binge watching television shows, it will also be nice to make some money and establish a routine for God's sake.  I feel less productive without a routine.  Besides, when the money dries up, it isn't all fun and games anymore.

The position is at the university level.  I am an Admissions Coordinator for the University of Western States.  Chances are you have never heard such a school.  I doubt it came up on your list of college visits.  Unless you longed to be a chiropractor, it wouldn't even be on your radar.  That's right:  it's a chiropractic/message therapy school in Northeast Portland.  In a neighborhood.  Seriously, it's in a neighborhood.  It's the smallest non-community college you will ever see.  There are 600 undergrad students.  It's the oldest chiropractic school in the country and second oldest in the world.  It's cool though.  The campus is nice and it's such a tight-knit network.  As their mission states, they are "integrating health and science".  Anyway, I was enthralled with it after my interview.  As luck would have it, I got the gig.  It's a year contract.  If I knock their socks off, perhaps they will make me a full-time university employee.  Keep your fingies crossed for me.

In reality I am working for Robert Half Office Team employment agency.  Portland's corporate landscape loves using placement agencies.  I noticed it when I first started applying for a position.  Most of the jobs that were of interest ended up redirecting me to a local placement agency.  Maybe because this is such an "artistic" city that companies are looking for people that actually want to work in an office.  They save themselves time by pawning off HR work on placement agencies.  

It makes for an interesting job market actually.  I was speaking to Ryan Parker, of culinary fame, and he said the more cutthroat industry is the bartender/server/barista field.  This is such a beer/cocktail/foodie town, that you have more competition trying to get a job in service than anything else.  Part of the reason that I see so many people walking around a park on a Tuesday afternoon is that they are shift workers.  Many probably work nights!  Okay, a lot of people are probably unemployed.  But at least it seems to make more sense to see all these people about.  Anyway, it's certainly a contrast from the eastside.  All the educated people are competing for the white collar, Fortune 500 gigs.  Here they do the opposite.  Fascinating.  

My first day is Thursday.  I'm a little nervous because I have not had a new employer in nearly eight years.  And I want to do well to build a career in a new industry.  I've neglected to tell you that I am taking about a $30,000 pay cut to work at this place.  You read that right: $30,000.  It sounds insane.  I know.  It has been difficult for me to reconcile such a pay reduction during my job search.  But it turns out that now matter where I looked I was going to be making significantly less than I did in Bethesda.  Luckily, money goes a whole lot further here.  That alleviates a little bit of the sting.  Here is the ultimate trade-off:  I am pretty much guaranteed to be happier at this position than I was at any point working in accounting.  Dare I say, it is going to be worth it to make this much less.  Don't get me wrong.  It is a tough pill to swallow.  But I am all about work-life balance and low stress and healthy work environments.  I have the feeling this place will fulfill all those things.  Couple that with a salary - no matter how minimal - and I think I'm in good shape.  You can check out the website below to get a sense of the school.

So be happy for me!  I am employed!  I'm no longer a degenerate!  Plus, Janae doesn't have to do it all by herself.  Oh yeah, and we had a great 4th.  We barbequed and lit off fireworks.  Because you can do that here.  'Murica.  I'll update you on the job soon enough.  Go O's in the battle for I-95!


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